家長經驗分享 ─ Pooja’s Dad「致陳校長的感謝信」

Felicitations from Pooja’s father

Dear Madam,

To-day is March 28. We are in the verge of leaving to US. But Pooja is in the thinking that her class teachers will also accompany her to US, especially teacher Bela.

Pooja have been studying at your school for about two years. She has remarkable improvement and strong attachment with her class teachers. She is very much reluctant to leave your school. At times she kept saying that she wished to sit with the lower grade children to keep continuing her studies in the same school for ever. Sometimes she said that she did not like to grow tall, thinking that she will be sent to elementary school if she grows tall.

As regards her studies, at home we have noticed the young mind applying equal importance to both Chinese and English languages. Her thinking is awesome.

I hope the children of Taichung will take the best advantage of ” CORNEL School and Kindergarten” and gain versatile activities.

As regards her class teachers, I have seen teacher Bela satisfying the needs of each and every parent’s expectation with regard to their children’s improvement. I would like to recommend you not to loose teacher Bela and teacher Lisa. Good co-ordination. I hope they would continue their services as ever before.

We wondered several times about Pooja’s vocabulary during her conversation. Congratulations to teacher Lisa for her efforts in Pooja’s improvements. I would like to congratulate madam Jorda for her remarkable and well streamlined education system. We would also like to thank our unforgettable Ms. Linda who is the root cause for everything. Yes Ms. Linda, we really miss you.

We wish ” CORNEL School and Kindergarten” to flourish and develop like banyan tree.

We wish the children, parents, staff and management good health and long life all through the years.

Best wishes.

Pooja’s parents

March 28, 2009.




今天是 三月二十八日 ,我們即將要離開台灣到美國去,但是Pooja還認為老師會陪她一起去美國,特別是Bella老師。





有好多次Pooja說英文的時候,我們都對她的英文字彙有些疑慮,但是Lisa老師花了很多心思幫助她進步。我也想恭喜 Jilda老師,因為她的課程教育系統非常棒也很有效率。我們也想感謝Linda小姐,因為她是我們來康乃爾的起源。沒錯,Linda小姐,我們很想念妳。



