Thanksgiving Greetings from Teacher Jeff!

We had some fourth graders doing some singing today and I was missing Taiwan and all those kids. When it’s all said and done, having those kids do their ACP’s is really fun. The amount of interaction time with English Language Learners that I have is limited and I do a lot with Reading , so I have been reminiscing about the freedom of explain things to kids. I have been stressed with the school because they don’t feel content/background knowledge/vocabulary are as important as having the children read well. Tons of data too. I hope your Thanksgiving goes well. Veronica is coming to celebrate in Denver with my family. I will tell them you said, “Hi.” Please give everyone there a, “Ni Hao,” from me. Talk to you later, Jeff

P.S. I am thankful for having had such a wonderful time in Taiwan . Happy Thanksgiving!