Letter from former teacher, Jamey Kerr

We really appreciate you sending out this update. We have fond memories of spending a few years at Cornel, and of course we miss all of you who are still there. Hard to believe it’s already been a year and a half since we took off–time marches on. To us it’s no big deal that we (like so many others before and after us) took the plunge and moved to Taiwan for a few years. However wherever we go (Christy and I don’t sit still long, as a general rule) we find that other people are blown away when they hear about our experience. We have realized after many of these encounters that while others are mistaken to think that we are somehow ‘special’ or gifted people, they are correct to deem our experience as special. It’s a serious honor to be able to go to the other side of the planet and work alongside other people who also journeyed from their own corner of the globe to do the same thing. The memories are unspeakably precious. Every time you send an update or a little email it brings it all back to us again. Not to sound corny, but I can honestly say the memories give me a “warm/fuzzy”. We fully recognize we took advantage of a gift that few can say they were able to enjoy…

In other words, thanks for the updates and the part you had in giving us these memories. Keep the emails coming–we enjoy them!

Take care.
Jamey Kerr and “growing” family