學生經驗分享 ─ Kristy「來自哈佛研究生 Kristy的來信」

Dear Ms. Chen,
I am not a parent, nor an English teacher. Yet, I do want to tell you that I am very impressed with your efforts and accomplishments in promoting, improving English education in Taiwan. Your aspirations of doing so for those less well-off children is especially inspiring.
I am a Taiwanese student currently studying in Harvard university for my graduate program. Your efforts strongly affected me because I came from a background closely related to English education— I almost became an English teacher, erh… almost. Before coming to the U.S., I majored in linguistics and English literature in NTNU, the mainstream institution that trains teachers.
During those years in the “formal” system where an English teacher is produced, I did see some serious problems in English education in Taiwan. One problem that particularly concerned me was the quality of English education for children. First of all, while it is commonly accepted that English is important for our competitiveness, there isn’t too much systematic efforts from the government for that cause. In the academic community, those prominent professors in this field tend to focus on research or English education at an elder age ( e.g. high school students.) Consequently, parents and younger children are left on their own to seek resources in English education outside school. While the education in your institution is exceptional, I doubt that other English-teaching institutions for children all possess the same quality or passion. However, pre-school age is arguably the most important stage of one’s lifetime in terms of laying a solid foundation for language capability. I seriously hope that our government can dedicate more interest, more efforts and more resources to promoting English-learning among children and to assume its responsibility in quality control in the field.
The other issue that bothered me is, as you mentioned, the widening gap between those well-off and those less wealthy children in learning English. I myself came from a small town. When studying in Taipei during college years, I was always amazed by how much better-resourced my classmates growing up in Taipei city were in learning English. I believe that such gap is not only becoming an educational issue, but also a social issue. That’s why I feel so strongly about your aspirations and efforts in trying not to leave those less privileged children behind.
I apologize for this long note. I guess I just wanted to tell you that I am very grateful that there is someone like you doing this for the younger generation in Taiwan. People like me may not know you in person, but we admire and support your cause and efforts.

Best wishes,
— Kristy


Dear Ms. Chen,





Best wishes,
— Kristy



Dear Kristy:




